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Welcome to Chicago Creek Sanitation District


Chicago Creek Sanitation District is located within the City of Idaho Springs, Colorado.  We provide and maintain sewer line service for residents of the district by transporting sewage through approximately two miles of pipe to a sewage treatment facility owned and operated by the City of Idaho Springs.

The Chicago Creek Sanitation District is a Special District governed by the State of Colorado for the purpose of supplying waste water transportation services to District members. The District is overseen by a Board of Directors comprised of five Directors. The Directors are volunteers who are elected under the statutes of the State of “Colorado, with staggered terms of two to four years.

Each year the Board budgets funds for the purpose of continuing the best possible sewer service for those living within the district. The Board charges a maintenance fee of $10.00 per month for each tap. Sewage treatment fees are set by the City of Idaho Springs under an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and the District. These treatment fees are based on the volume of water as recorded on the water meters monitored by the City of Idaho Springs.

